Flying, The World A to Z, Travel

37,000 Feet Over Greenland

Never before have I seen a land more barren or more colorless, but in that stark environment, there is incredible beauty.

The World A to Z, Travel

U is for Unknown

Our Unknown trip had taken us to places we’d never been and taught us dozens of things we’d never known.

Flying, Travel

Honey vs Vinegar

Laughingly I said, “What if you send me back to DC and put me on the direct flight to Phoenix tomorrow morning?” She clicked a couple of times, smiled brightly and said, “Sure, that’s easy! Why would you want to do that?” 


The Second Week of January

I’m not suggesting everyone take to January travel. For the most part it’s cold and wet and kind of gross ...

Family, Gratitude and Joy, Travel

Day 325 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – Tangible Memories

Those hand-held items are tangible memories, the kind you can touch and feel, that have captured a moment in time or a place visited on the other side of the world

Gratitude and Joy, Travel

Day 323 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – Amazing Views

It’s not just the sky or scenery either. One of the best views in the whole world is someone you love sleeping soundly and peacefully.

Gratitude and Joy, Road Trip, Travel

Day 318 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – Ever-changing Vistas

On a recent trip through Colorado, we drove from the Sonoran Desert floor up onto Arizona’s Mogollon Rim with its pine trees and red rocks. 

Alexandria, Gratitude and Joy, Italy, Travel, Walks

Day 293 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – Downtown Delights

... downtown is where both tourists and locals gather, making for great people watching!

Arizona, Gratitude and Joy, Travel

Day 288 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – Rewarded Patience

I’ve entered the lottery twice a year for a couple of years, so when my name came up this spring for a fall tour date, I was thrilled!

Gratitude and Joy, Travel

Day 287 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – Experience

Perhaps the best experiences are the ones that are challenging, not only for the lesson, but for the great story you get to share and, hopefully, laugh about with friends.