
Look Forward, Not Back

... I’m focusing even more deeply on simplifying the things in my life that matter less, so that I can spend more quality time on the things I truly care about ...

Arizona, Diversion, humor, Musings

Never Stop Learning

I suppose it is fitting that an entertainment venue on a major university campus would ensure attendees have something to learn no matter where they sit. 

Arizona, Diversion, Musings

The Struggle Is Real

My friends are headed off on amazing adventures while I struggle with an unplanned adventure of my own. I admit it; I’d trade places with them in a nanosecond if I could.  On August 30 I woke before the sun (that’s typical for me) and padded my way to the coffee maker to hit the… Continue reading The Struggle Is Real

Flying, Musings

Adventures To Come

I hoped that he would know that through his effort and commitment, the world might become a better and safe place.

Gratitude and Joy, Musings

Day 316 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – The End is Near

It’s fun to set our sights forward, but I think the holidays also give us a chance to celebrate our successes and joys.

Gratitude and Joy, Musings

Day 244 – A Year of Gratitude and Joy – Birthdays

... none of us understands how we got here and who that old person in the mirror is each morning.

Flying, Musings, Travel

Night Flights

No conversations pierced the silence. No babies cried.

Musings, Travel


Life is all about choices. I tell people that all the time. Happiness is a choice. Love is a choice. You can choose to enjoy the ride or grumble through it, but having done both, I can assure you enjoying it is a lot more fun!

Bucket List, Musings, Travel

Three Truths and a Lie

For now my bucket list items are my lies, but I’ll have to come up with new lies to play the game in the future.

Musings, Travel

Share Your Stories

A thousand or even two thousand years ago, someone picked up a chisel and carved stories into rock or scrawled images on the walls of caves